Quiz 4
Any line between two computers represents a way for them to communicate with each other, and a communication between two computers can go through other computers. If the links from F to G, from F to A, and from F to E were broken, it would not be possible for computers E and F to communicate.
Data is just broken down to packets and it isn’t encrypted.
The number of statements in a program is not likely to affect how a program will handle larger data sets. The efficiency of a program is independent of the number of statements it contains. There are some programs with very few statements that take a long time to execute, as well as programs with many statements that take little time to execute.
32-bits can be represented as 2^32 which is 2,147,483,647, while 64-bits can be written as 2^64 which is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 which is 2^32 times as many values
As n increases, the number of steps is approximately equal to n^2 which would make the algorithm polynomial. An algorithm with an efficiency that approximates n^2 is said to run in a reasonable amount of time.
This code segment traverses the list beginning with the second element, so it is correctly comparing only student scores to the maximum possible score, which is found by accessing scores[1]. The variable found will only be set to true when a student’s score equals the maximum possible score. The code also sets the number of iterations to LENGTH(scores) - 1 to reflect that the first list element (maximum score) is skipped.