Overall Experience

I really enjoyed my experience at N@tM because there were so many pieces that were really inspiring to look at. Classes I went to inclues AP Studio Art, Ceramics, and Draw and Painting. Out of these my favority was probably Ceramics because there was a lot of diversity amoung the pieces that couldn’t really be seen in the other classes.

Pieces I Liked

From ceramics I liked this plate because of its high contrast colors which really made each component of the piece be enhanced. Not to mention it has the ablity to be functional. I feel like there were many pieces which focused on aesthetic over functionality this year in Ceramics which probably made me like this piece more, since it focused on both aesthetic and functionality.


From AP Studio Art there are hese two pieces which seem to be digital art.


In this piece I really liked how there was a lot of detail in the background becasue it really added to the atmosphere. For example, in the right side of the page there are wires which seem to be attached to something and throughout the piece there’s graffiti around the walls which adds dimention to them. The shadows add a lot of contrast to this piece and along with the lighting it really made the whole piece look realistic becasue it adds depth.


In this piece there is a girl looking at a giant goldfish which makes me really like it becasue of it’s fantasy element. It really reminds me of a portal to another world and that surreal aspect of this makes the piece interesting to look at.

The final piece I want to show is this one from Drawing and Painting


Abstract art is my favorite type of art which probably makes this my views for this piece biased, but I really liked how it incorperated shadows and light to make such a chaotic piece.