Unit 3 Sections 3-4 Hacks
numbers = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
evens = []
for i in numbers:
if (numbers[i] % 2 == 0):
The cell is a sequence, the for loop is an iteration since it's repeating an action, and the if statement is a selection since it's giving parameters to only print specific numbers.
i = 1
starString = "*"
while i <= 5:
j = 1
while j <= i:
print ("*", end= "")
j += 1
print ()
i += 1
The cell is a sequence, the while i <= 5 is iteration since it tells the code to repeat until i = 5, an the while j <= i is selection since it gives values for j.
3.3 Video 2 Hacks
Practice Problems
- Given the following code segment below:\ a ⟵ 7\ b ⟵ 1\ c ⟵ 3\ d ⟵ 4\ a ⟵ b\ b ⟵ c + d\ d ⟵ b
find the value for a, b, c, d
a = 1 since a is assigned b and the value of b is 1 b = 7 since b is assigned the sum of c and d which is 3 + 4 which is 7 c = 3 since c is assigned as 3 d = 7 since d is assigned as b which was previously assigned as 7
- Consider the following code segment:\ hot ⟵ true\ cold ⟵ false\ cold ⟵ hot\ hot ⟵ cold
What are the values of hot and cold after executing the code segment?
- The value of hot is true, the value of cold is true
- The value of hot is false, the value of cold is true
- The value of hot is true, the value of cold is false
- The value of hot is false, the value of cold is false
Answer 1: since cold is assigned as hot which was assigned true and hot is assigned as cold which was assigned true
Making Questions
- Consider the following coding segment: a ⟵ 5\ b ⟵ 10\ c ⟵ 2\ d ⟵ 4\ a ⟵ b - a\ b ⟵ c + d\ d ⟵ a + b
What is the value of d?
Answer: 11; a is assigned as b - a which can be rewritten as 10 - 5 which can be simplified to 5, giving the value of 5 to a. The value of b is c + d which can be written as 2 + 4 which is simplified to 6. And since d is assigned as a + b, by using the most recent values of these variables you would get 5 + 6 which is simplified to 11
- Consider the following coding segment:
a ⟵ 1\ b ⟵ 2\ c ⟵ 3\ d ⟵ 4\ a ⟵ c**\ b ⟵ a + d\ d ⟵ a + b + c
What is the value of d?
Answer: 25; to get the value of a one must square c which whould make a = 9, by adding that to d one gets 9 + 4 which is 13, and to get the value of d one would add 9 + 13 + 3 which gives 25.
num1 = 3
num2 = 1
num3 = 5
num1 = num2 + num3
num2 = num1 + num3 # num2 is now the new num1 + num3
num1 = 6 since num2 + num3 can be rewritten as 1 + 5 and that simplifies to 6\ num2 = 11 since num1 + num3 can be rewritten as 6 + 5 which is 11
3.4 Video 1 Hacks
String Homework
Test 1
firstName <- "Bob"\ lastName <- "Smith"\ var <- substring(firstName, 1, 1)\ name <- concat(lastName, var)\ email <- concat(name, "@gmail.com")\ DISPLAY(email)
What would the result be?
Hint: var = "B" name = "SmithB"
Answer: SmithB@gmail.com; only the firstletter is taken from firstName and it's added to the end of lastName which gives SmithB and then @gmail.com is concatinated with the name which gives SmithB@gmail.com
Test 2
word1 <- "computer" \ word2 <- "textbooks" \ length1 <- len(word1)/2 \ length2 <- len(word2)/3 \ first <- substring(word1, 2, len1) \ second <- substring(word2, len2+3, len2) \ newWord <- concat(first, second) \ DISPLAY(newWord)
Answer: ompuook; length1 can be written as 8/2 or 4 since "computer" is 8 letters long and length2 is 3 since it can be written as 9/3 which is 3. The variable first is ompu since it's 4 letters long and starts at the second letter and second is ook since it's 3 letters and starts at the 6th letter. And when these are added together one gets "ompuook"