Focus Planning

My team got data from live feedback, and to keep everything consistant we had a list of questions to ask them and we wrote their answers on an issue.

Based on the feedback we got when we were presenting many students like the idea of having a “better Canvas” which has features that they use in class. The main concern that almost everyone had was that the theme had too much blue/green, since those are the school colors we probably could add more options to change the color themes or even customize their own theme. Someone also talked about how we should add more accessibility options especially for people who have color blindness. A trend I saw in the advice that we received was for QOL changes. I think a good way to minimize this is doing a survey two weeks before the Tri 3 Night at the Museum asking people for advice on how to make our site more accessable.


Glow: A lot of people liked the idea of our project and would probaby use it meaning that it’s going to be used as intented. Grow: Presenting the project also made me realize that our features aren’t really connected together and we should probably find a way to do that.


Other Projects

Many teams made games such as Pokemon and Mario which was cool but it lacks originaility since it’s just a remakes of existing games, however, it’s still interesting to see someone code a popular game from scratch. The following project made some sort of simulation game where the aim is to make the most amount of money with the least amount of economical impact. And this could probably be used in some sort of teaching setting as a way to represent economy.


A non-video game project that I found interesting was a job finder application that allows both employees and employers to search for each other. There were many features but the one that I found impressive was a recreation of Zoom and it probably opens more oppertunities for people to get hired since everything is at a centralized location, making a better user experience. They also made it so that employers could search for a specific set of skills and overall, the entire project was really impressive.


The non-CS classes were also really impressive, the ceramics class had a gnome and teapot which had a really coll design and it reminded me of something that a person told me when we were presenting our project. She talked about how she’s always wanted to be able to create her own games but never could since she doesn’t know how to code. And looking at the non-CS classes made me feel something similar, and it made me realise how much effort people put into their projects regardless of what class they’re taking.
