Projects I Liked From Non-CS Classes

For this one I really liked the technique used to make the painting look as if we are looking at it through a kaleidoscope. This makes the parinting look really cool and I like looking at it. I also really like the colors that were used since they make the whole piece look really realistic and the background emphasizes the subject of the painting making it look better.

I liked this one because I found the overall premise of this drawing to be interesting, since it is a modern version of the painting callled Girl With the Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer. It's also really cool how the painting is able to maintain the same vibe as the original while still keeping a modern twist and this allows people to recognize that this is a modern adaptation of the famous painting.


Overall I would say that Night at the Museum was fairly successful for the team since many people were interested to see what our project did and many people considered it to be an interesting concept. Students also really liked this idea which is a good thing since it is a website ment to cater towards students and techers. Dispite getting the main feature to work we weren’t able to connect the backend and frontend for the statistics page. The idea behind it was to make a page which displays things such as popular genres and songs given the room code. But it transformed to making it display the genre and moderate (the teacher can delete any song the deem “inappropriate” and remove it from the queue). I was mainly working on the frontend so I was able to make it so that the teacher can select the song request they want to delete but this only works on the test data since it’s not connected to the backend.


  • Communicate more: I believe that I could have been a better communicater with the rest of my team since I was mainly just working on the statistics page and was unaware of what contributions my other team members were making. If I did collaborate I feel like I would have been able to make more meaningful contributions and link the backend and frontend.
  • Be more active on the backend: As a frontend developer I did not make many contrubutions to the backend, which ment that I don’t really understand how it works which is a problem since it polarizes the project. And I could have helped other people working on the statistics to display the correct information while getting help from them to connect the two sides.
  • Being more knowledegeable in Java: something I believe contributed to me not working on the backend is that I was not confident in my Java abilities and I didn’t want to make any problems that could break the website. Dispite having the student lessons I feel like the only way to truly come over this is by improving my skills and waiting over time.
  • Time management: I feel like I didn’t have much time to complete everything especially because of student lessons and college apps since they both took a lot of time and limited the amount of time I could spend code, code, coding. The impact of this would be minimized if I had started earlier since I would have had more time to plan everything out.

Things to Next Tri

  • I want to try to incorporate some AI into the next project I made since it was a prominent feature that was a part of many projects. And overall it’s an interesting way to approach problems since it offers a real-time solution to various problems. I would like to learn how to do that in Java since I’ve only ever done it before in Python. I also liked how some groups had a tangible object that they used to demonstrate their code (specifically the robot group). Since it showed a visual representation of things that people learned in class and showed how they were able to apply that knowledge. I personally though that it was a really cool project since it involved buliding a robot and the code that runs it from scratch, and the fact that it works shows how they put a lot of effort into it.
  • I also want to start coding faster and have more concrete plans which would probably boost my productivity and allow me to actually know what to do. And I feel like this would probably eliminate many of the problems I encountered with communications and time management.