
Something that I did really well on last tri was problem solving the FRQs and explaining my thought process on how I approached and solved the problem. And I will be using all of the past Collebeboard work I’ve done in this class to prepare for the AP Exam, while using the advice I got during reviews to improve my weaknesses.

Assignment Link
2015 FRQ Question 1 Link
2015 FRQ Question 2 Link
2015 FRQ Question 3 Link
2015 FRQ Question 4 Link
2015 FRQ Associantions Link
2015 Practice MCQ Link
2014 Practice MCQ Link

There were also many student lessons done last tri, and I attempted to do the best I could in most of these assignments. Despite not doing as well in the tri 2 student lessons compared to the tri 1 student lessons I still plan to use the blog post to review concepts and continue using/implementing what we learned into the projects..

Lesson GitHub Issues Link
Tri 1 Student Lessons Link
Tri 2 Student Lessons Link

Other cool stuff that probably improved my understanding of CSA material is the Deployment Pop Quiz which pushed me to start understanding how the backend works to a greater extent than what I previosly knew. And using AWS to deploy the backend for our project helped refresh my memory as to how deployment works.

Tri 3 Plans

One of our team’s goals is to improve upon the project based on the advice from Night at the Museum. This includes adding more features and developing the ones that we already have. Since we have thirteen people, effective collaboration is essential to being productive. Some steps that we have taken to achieve this are creating a Discord server to have fast communication and assigning everyone to the correct roles.

We are also going to continue to have a standup meeting once a week to discuss what we are working on and how we should move forward. In the most recent meeting, we decided on our triangles and what each triangle’s focus will be. My triangle (Ekam, Aiden, and I) will be working on more wireframes since the team is planning to implement parts of our new team members’ projects.

A personal goal of mine this trimester is to start contributing more to the backend. After seeing how related the PBL projects we do in class are related to the Collegeboard FRQs I am more interested in starting to work with the backend or understand it better.

GitHub Contibutions Link